With our representative Gager pool in country, we provide a unique platform for brands to measure the long-term variables of ideas, projects, concepts, products, services, investments, and advertisements by targeting the right audience with the questions we direct.

ADQ currently measures all advertisements broadcast on traditional and digital channels independently of the brand using an automation system. Along with the panel services it offers to its customers, it provides the opportunity to measure and compare the performance of these advertisements. With weighted averages, it creates a unique ADQ score and establishes a reference point for brands. It performs measurements across various variables such as liking, recall, brand affinity, celebrity fit, and price, and labels these measurements across unlimited categories, enabling comparisons and generating insights from its extensive archive.

ADQ is a service designed for insight professionals, marketers, and agencies who want to test faster, learn, and act. Brand representatives can enter their panels to perform comparisons and reporting based on industry, category, scores, liking, and tags. Our 90,000-strong Gager community provides access to robust insights.

Reach the right people at the right time with the next-generation market research platform, Adgager. Enjoy a transparent and swift research process. Find answers to all your brand’s questions with a qualified user base.

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